George Langstaff & Sons Construction Ltd (GLS) offers the best warranty and service from Kaycan. They always stand behind their product and have many colours to choose from. When doing siding on your home, we recommend insulating as well.
When doing renovations, we recommend doing soffit supplied by Kaycan. It is important to ensure that adequate air is going into the attic.
When installing eaves trough, we highly recommend doing the fascia as well. This is to ensure it all matches.
Alu-Rex Gutter Clean
George Langstaff and Sons have been installing Alu-Rex gutter clean since the summer of 2002. It is the best product on the market, and the only one we will use.
Windows & Doors
GLS has the very best qualified installers. They finish the inside and outside of windows as well. We offer various brands of windows to choose from.
GLS provides the best warranty on shingled roofs. GAF shingles are the preferred shingles.
We are a Kaycan recommended supplier for material. 5” troughs are typically used on homes but we have used 6”. 6” is for heavy water flow on homes with large or steel roofs. 6” is twice the water volume versus a 5” trough. A 6” trough is .010 heavier.
Steel Cladding
We provide cladding on garages, re-cladding on barns & driveshed.
Snow Plowing
We service Thamesville, Dresden, Wallaceburg, Port Lambton, Corunna, Sarnia and Brights Grove. We have many trucks and tractors to service you – 24 hour Radio Dispatch.
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